Can you trust barrier papers as a fully flexible packaging solution for today?
It’s time to unwrap the potential of fibre-based packaging – and get our experts to give you the answers you need to 10 key questions.

We’re putting barrier papers in the spotlight – to answer your questions and concerns about the practicality, sustainability and brand impact of choosing fibre-based packaging as your business solution.
And we’ve pulled together a panel of experts to get under the skin of the most important issues and opportunities – just scroll through the videos below...

What impact will European regulations have on the use of barrier paper in flexible packaging?
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Why are Sappi’s functional papers made with fresh fibres? Isn’t recycled paper suitable for barrier papers?
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Can you switch from plastic films to paper-based materials on existing packaging machines?
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Which products and applications are barrier papers suitable for?
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Is increased demand for paper packaging bad news for forests?
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