The Blue Couch Series

A series of interviews with speakers from the paper industry providing insights about new products, innovations, sustainability and much more.

Episode 10: “Great Finishing versus Solid Sustainability. Can we find a balance?”

  • Christoph Sontheimer, Global Head of Business Development at Eckart

  • Lars Scheidweiler, Sappi Europe Head of Packaging Solutions

Watch the episode now!

Click the links below to download the summary of the episode 10

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Episode 9: “Label Papers between growth and sustainability”

  •  Corey M. Reardon, President and CEO of Alexander Watson Associates

  • Robert Gabriel-Jürgens, Sappi Europe Head of Label Paper Sales


Episode 8: “Packvertising and the power of brand at the point of sale”

  •  Lars Scheidweiler, Head of Packaging Solutions at Sappi

  • Olaf Hartmann, Managing Director of the Multisense Institute for Sensory Marketing


Episode 7 : “Functional paper packaging – the path towards greater recyclability”

  • Julian Thielen, Head of the “Made for Recycling” service at Interseroh Plus

  • Kerstin Dietze, Key Account Manager for Paper and Packaging Solutions at Sappi

  • Gustavo Duarte, Manager Competence Center Packaging Solutions at Sappi

Click the links below to download the summary of the episode 7

English - DeutschEspañolFrançaisItaliano

The demand for environmentally friendly packaging continues to grow. This development is posing real challenges for brand owners. How do they make the switch to flexible packaging that is recyclable? What needs to be considered? How can the issue of recycling be advanced? And why does Europe still need to catch up on topics such as “defining recyclability” and “test methods”? Insight into these questions and more is featured in this upcoming episode.


Episode 6: Digital Printing – Far more than just a printing process

  • Andrea Riccardi, Head of Product Management at Durst

  • Paola Tiso, Sappi’s Head of Sales Digital Solutions

  • Luis Mata, Sales Director Packaging & Digital Solutions,


Episode 5: Functional Paper Packaging – Cooperation leads to perfect packaging

  • René Köhler, Director Paper & Packaging Solutions, Sappi Europe

  • Jens Torkel, CEO Rovema


Episode 4: Sappi Europe’s new CEO embarks on an exciting journey

  • Marco Eikelenboom, CEO of Sappi Europe


Episode 3: (R)Evolution of Paper Packaging

  • Michael Bethge, Sales Director Consumer Goods and Self Adhesives Sappi Europe

  • René Koehler, Head of Business Development Packaging Solutions, Division Innovation & Sustainability Sappi Europe


Episode 2: Sales and Innovation – What does success look like?

  • Thomas Kratochwill, former Vice President Sales & Marketing Packaging and Speciality Papers Sappi Europe

  • Bernardo Semadeni, Director of Innovation Sappi Europe


Episode 1: Working together for a sustainable future

  • Berry Wiersum, former CEO Sappi Europe

  • Sarah Price, Sustainability Manager Sappi Europe

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