The PaperPack Community: connecting today’s change-makers in flexible packaging
Connect, learn and share the latest expert information and insights about paper-packaging solutions

The Paperpack Community is a unique community created for paper packaging professionals.
It’s all about pooling science-based knowledge, challenging preconceptions, asking questions and discovering new answers.
It’s a vibrant community born at an exciting time for our industry – our goal is to collaborate and be a catalyst for more sustainable, fibre-based packaging solutions.
Through networking, events and webinars, our community members seek to accelerate partnerships and collaborations – and so bring much needed innovations and new packaging solutions more quickly to market.
Recent PaperPack Community conversations have included topics such as the implications of extended producer responsibility (EPR) and other regulations in Europe; using packaging mock-ups to accelerate the design process; and the viability of starch as an alternative to plastic film.
• Is this just another way for Sappi to get my details and pitch their products to me?
No, we started this community to connect, to learn and to share sustainable paper packaging ideas and industry insights.
• Will companies be allowed to pitch their products?
No, this isn’t a community for pitching products. It’s for fostering collaboration, sparking conversations and expanding our knowledge of fibre-based packaging solutions.
• How much does it cost to join?
The community is free for the first 200 people who join. We might charge a small yearly fee further into the future, but the community will remain free for the first 200 people who join.